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Collective Worship

Reverend Jane from St Peter’s Church regularly leads our Collective Worship to help us reinforce our understanding of each value as she shares stories from the Bible and reflects on what they mean for us in our everyday life. Children have opportunities to plan, prepare and lead worship for the whole school as well as organising worship at key points in the Christian calendar for the whole school community.  It offers important opportunities to strengthen our sense of community, belonging and inclusiveness and to reinforce the respect and care we have for each other. Through Collective Worship we make a significant contribution to the religious, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of those present.


Each term we focus on a different Christian Value. This is done explicitly through our Collective Worship time and also throughout our curriculum. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on each value and to develop an understanding of the value in action.


We promote the teaching of values through:

  • Using a range of questions to help the whole school community reflect on each value
  • Planned opportunities for collective worship which raises awareness of each aspect of the value
  • Bible stories that are relevant to the themes of each value
  • Stories from world faiths which illustrate the value
  • A selection of practical follow-up classroom activities which engage, inspire and support understanding of the values in concrete situations


Our Woolhampton School Prayer


Dear God,

Please help us to,

Respect ourselves, others and the world we live in,

Open our arms and our hearts to our neighbours,

Come together, learning to be the best we can be,

Know each other and celebrate our differences.


