Late/Absence Procedures
Absence and Term Time Leave
Please refer to our policy on 'Late/Absence Procedures' for further details. When a child is absent from School, we should be informed by telephone as soon as possible. A child returning after an absence should bring a note of explanation. Reasons for absence can also be e-mailed to If we are not given a suitable reason for an absence then it will be recorded as unauthorised. We monitor absence levels of all pupils on a regular basis.
A pupil is considered to have persistent absence if their attendance falls below 90%. Where there are high levels of absence, particularly unauthorised absence, the school has to inform the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO).
From 1st September 2013, there is no entitlement for parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must only be in exceptional circumstances. If parents believe that there is an exceptional circumstance for leave during term time, then they must complete an absence form. Forms should be completed and returned to school at least three weeks before the intended date of the absence.
Parents should be aware that the school can not take into consideration:
- availability of cheap holidays
- parents work patterns
- availability of desired accommodation
- poor weather experienced in school holiday periods
- overlap with the beginning or end of term