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Sycamore Class (Year 2/3)

Welcome to Sycamore Class, Year 2/3!



Sycamore Class is a mixed Year 2 and Year 3 class. Our teachers are Mrs Perrin and Mrs Panter.  Our teaching assistants are the wonderful Mrs Aldridge and Miss Hawkins. 



This term in Maths, we will be focusing on the topics of Time and Money, whilst continuing to engage in daily number fluency activities. We will continue to focus on mental maths strategies and times table recall. 
In English, we will start the term focusing on descriptive writing using the text, 'Flotsam'. After this we will focus on seaside poetry before finishing the term with persuasive writing. 

Information on all subjects can be found on the medium term plan. 


PE and Forest School

PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that children have a full PE kit in school on those days. 



Please read with your child every day and make a note in their reading record. This is checked on a regular basis during the week.

Spellings will be sent home every Monday to be practised throughout the week. Spellings will be tested on a Monday. 

In addition to regular reading and spelling practise we would like children to log on to Times Table Rockstars for ten minutes every day.  

Curriculum Planning

Please find the curriculum overview for Autumn term 1 below. 


Useful websites to enhance your learning

Practise your multiplication and division skills with Times Table Rock Stars.


Earn coins to spend in the Custom Shack in Numbots. Which robot outfit will you choose?
