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Meet the Governors

Nikki Jordan, Chair of Governors

Link Governor for:

  • Early Years & Phonics
  • Governor Development
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Membership: Local Authority (LA) Governor, nominated by the LA, appointed by the Governing Body

Term of Office: 08.12.2021 - 07.12.2025  First appointed 15.11.13

Committees:  Member of TLC (Teaching Learning & Care) Committee and Finance & Resources Committee.

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 94% (16 of 17 meetings)

"I have been a governor at the school since 2013 and have been Chair of the Teaching, Learning and Care Committee (affectionately shortened to TLC!) for most of that time. I am now enjoying the challenge of being Chair of the Governing Body at Woolhampton CE Primary School.

My role as Chair involves leading the Governing Body in strategic discussions and decisions regarding school policies, aspects of safeguarding and curriculum subjects, as well as ensuring we have updates on the progress of year group cohorts in terms of their achievement and attainment. I hold a strong belief that there should be challenge at every level for every child.

I am responsible for Early Years as a link Governor. This is an ever-changing aspect of the Primary Curriculum and there always seems to be something new or different to report on. I am also keen to develop the Governor roles and responsibilities using their skill set to benefit the school and staff.

I believe my skills and experience in being a Primary Teacher and an Early Years Consultant for the Local Authority enables me to be an effective member and Chair of the Governing Body and I am very much looking forward to being part of the school's future".


Kim Wyrley-Birch, Vice Chair of Governors

Link Governor for SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) and Inclusion

Membership: Foundation Governor appointed by Diocese

Term of Office: 19.06.2022 - 18.06.2026  First appointed 19.06.18

Committees: Member of TLC Committee.

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 91% (10 of 11 meetings)

"I have lived in Upper Woolhampton for 14 years, with my husband and three children and am honoured to be part of the Governing Body.

I am a qualified Specialist Teacher and Assessor and have taught children with specific learning difficulties for the past seven years.

I passionately believe that the appropriate intervention and support can have a life changing impact on all learners, but particularly those with a specific learning difficulty. I hope to bring my knowledge and experience of SEN to the Governing Body. As Lead Governor for SEND I will be sitting on the Teaching and Learning Committee."


Reverend Jane Manley

Link Governor for

  • RE (Religious Education)

  • SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools)

Membership: Ex-Officio Foundation Governor (Priest)

Committees: Member of TLC Committee

Relevant and Pecuniary Interests: Ex-Officio Foundation Governor for Brimpton C of E Primary School and Aldermaston C of E Primary School; Aldermaston Parish Councillor; Rector for Aldermaston & Woolhampton Benefice (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 67% (6 of 9 meetings) 

"I am the Rector of the Benefice of Aldermaston and Woolhampton serving the local communities in six villages.    A foundation governor in a Church School has the additional task of ensuring that the whole curriculum and all that we do as a school, adds a Christian value and ethos.  I see my role as supporting the school to value and encourage all our children and staff, including those of other faiths and no faith, to become the people God created them to be – ‘education is about fullness of life’ to quote Archbishop William Temple.   I lead Collective Worship on a weekly basis."


Kate Moir

Link Governor for Curriculum & Forest School

Membership: Foundation Governor appointed by PCC.

Term of Office: 09.03.2022 - 08.03.2026  First appointed 08.01.2014

Committees: Member of TLC Committee

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Oct 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 91% (10 of 11 meetings).

"I worked in publishing, and hotel sales and marketing before leaving to spend more time with my children. I volunteered at the Rugby Portobello Trust, specifically helping pregnant teenagers and assisting in the trust's school for children whom had been excluded from mainstream education. I ran Sunday school classes at our church in London and was chair of the trustees of the nursery school which my children attended.

I am married with three children and have lived in Upper Woolhampton since 2011. I am a member of St Peter's Woolhampton PCC, where I help with Messy Church and the monthly Family Service.".


Terry Webster

Link Governor for:

  • English

  • Community 

Membership: Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese

Term of Office: 19.03.2023 - 18.03.2027  First appointed 19.03.2019

Committees:  Member of Finance & Resources Committee

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: Member of Woolhampton Parish Council (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 79% (11 of 14 meetings).

"In my life I have been a Stockbroker, a Farmer, a Residential Property Developer and over the last 20 years a Commercial Property Consultant.  I was married but sadly my wife died in November 2017.  We missed our 50th Wedding Anniversary by 4 months.  My two grandsons were attending Elstree School and my son suggested that I move from my home in Northiam, East Sussex to West Berkshire.  He thought that Douai would suit me and I love it here and soon got into the swing of things socially.  I joined the congregation at St Peters Church and have really enjoyed the people and the worship which the church provides.  I was invited to join the PCC and various other bodies attached to work in the Benefice.  It was also suggested that I should apply to become a Governor at Woolhampton school when a vacancy arose, I was accepted and have so enjoyed my duties so far namely sitting on the Finance and Resources Committee and being link governor for Mathematics.

This school, its staff and its children are truly inspirational.  I hope that I am able to serve in whatever capacity the Governing Body sees fit for years to come".


Carly Madders

Link Governor for Equality & Diversity and Parent Voice (FoWS - Friends of Woolhampton School);

Joint Link Governor for Website Monitoring.

Membership: Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese

Term of Office: 18.01.2022 - 17.01.2026  First appointed 24.04.2019

Committees:  Member of Finance & Resources Committee

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2023).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 79% (11 of 14 meetings) 

"I have been a part of Woolhampton C of E Primary School for just over 3 years and most recently have enjoyed supporting the school by taking on the role of Governor.  Our school demonstrates on a daily basis the values in which we believe and to be able to be part of this is very rewarding. 

I have seven years experience in banking and am now in the IT industry as a Project Manager.  My main aim as a Governor is to see how we can look further afield to gain help from the community and afar in a financial and non-financial aspect.  If you are reading this and think that you may be able to support us in some way then please do get in touch."


Cynthia James

Link Governor for Maths

Membership: Foundation Governor appointed by the PCC

Term of Office: 16.03.2024 - 15.03.2028  First appointed 16.03.2024

Committees:  Member of Finance & Resources Committee

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (April 2024)

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 60% (3 of 5 meetings).

"I am a Maths teacher at Elstree School, I also teach sport, and jointly run the eco committee.  I am passionate about all sport and a great supporter of community in whatever form.  I have just moved back into the area after 10 years on the road following my husband who is in the army.  I started at Elstree in September 2023, before that I had 3 years at the Mary Hare School for the Deaf near Newbury.  I have 3 children all of University age."


Adrian Dean

Link Governor for Human Resources (HR) and Wellbeing

Membership: Foundation Governor appointed by the PCC

Term of Office: 30.08.2024 - 29.08.2028 First appointed 30.08.2024

Committees: Member of Finance & Resources Committee.

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: Wife is Chair of FoWS (Friends of Woolhampton School) (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: N/A.

"I am delighted to be newly appointed as a PCC governor to the school.  I live in Aldermaston and along with my wife Laura, consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to school our two little boys at this wonderful school.  I really value this opportunity to give something back to my boys, their fellow pupils, the school and wider community.  I hope to be able to use my corporate, business and leadership experience to help the team of governors to continue to develop and maintain a thriving, happy and positive schooling environment for all the children, teachers and staff.  I work as a Director of Programmes for Global, the Media Group."


Kelly Mitchell

Link Governor for:

  • Safeguarding
  • Health & Safety

Membership: Parent Governor elected by parents

Term of Office: 16.03.2022 - 15.03.2026  First appointed 16.03.2022

Committees: Member of TLC Committee

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: Employee of Goring C of E Primary School (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 69% (9 of 13 meetings).

"I have worked in education for more than 12 years.  I am an experienced teacher, qualified SENCO and member of the Senior Leadership Team at a village primary school in Oxfordshire.  I am also trained Designated Safeguarding Lead  within my setting and I am particularly passionate about the pastoral side of school life.  

Over the years, I have been involved in making crucial strategic changes at a whole school level and I hope to bring this knowledge and experience to Woolhampton CE Primary School.  I feel very privileged to have been elected a governor by the parent body.  

I live in Woolhampton with my husband and daughter, Emilia, who joined the school in September 2020."


Martin Harding

Link Governor for:

  • Finance and Premium
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Membership: Parent Governor elected by parents

Term of Office: 04.10.2022 - 03.10.2026  First appointed 03.10.2018

Committees:  Chair of Finance & Resources Committee

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2023).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 86% (12 of 14 meetings).

‘I am thrilled to be newly appointed as a governor to the school. I live in Thatcham, am married and have four children (two of which are at Woolhampton School). They love the school and I have been very impressed with it too. Maintaining and developing the excellent environment of the school is something that I hope to be able to assist with. I work as an Independent Financial Adviser, specialising in pension and investment planning.’



Rebecca Cox, Headteacher

Joint Link Governor for Website Monitoring

Membership: Staff Governor elected by school staff

Term of Office: 04.02.2023 - 03.02.2027  First appointed 04.02.2019

Committees: Member of TLC Committee and Finance & Resources Committee.

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests:  None (Sept 2024).

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: 94% (16 of 17 meetings).

"I have been teaching at Woolhampton since 2016 and have taught across a range of year groups.  As well as being Year 6 Class Teacher, I am also Senior Lead and SENCo.  I am passionate about our wonderful school and I feel privileged to be a staff governor.  Woolhampton CE Primary is a very special place and I am delighted to be involved as a Governor in helping to shape it’s future direction for our children, their families and the wider community." 


Rachael House Gemmell

Governance Professional/Clerk to Governors

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2024). It is noted Rachael is also the Governance Professional/Clerk for Bucklebury C of E Primary School, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Yattendon C of E Primary School.

"I have been a Clerk since 2013 and and currently Clerk for four West Berkshire primary schools in total.  I began as Clerk for Woolhampton in March 2017 and attend all Full Governing Body and committee meetings.  Along with minute taking my role is to advise the Governing Body on their on statutory and legal duties and support all governors to deliver effective governance within the Governing Body as a whole.  

In 2018 I completed "The Professional Clerk" programme with West Berkshire Council Governor Services (in association with Hampshire County Council).  I have two daughters at secondary school."  

Previous Governors/Associate Members who have served during the last 12 months

James Mottram (Associate Member)

Term: 14.11.2022 - 13.11.2023 (Third term)  (First appointed as Foundation Governor 14.11.2016)

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Jan 2023)

Attendance 2022 - 23: 54% (7 of 11 meetings)

James ended his time with the Governing Body as Associate Member of the Finance & Resources Committee with a specialism regarding school admissions, greatly helping support governors with his knowledge in this area.  Prior to this James had been a foundation governor and had also been Vice Chair of Governors.  The Governing Body were very grateful to James for all the time and work he had given his role over the years. 


Anna Partridge (Foundation Governor, appointed by PCC)

Term:  12.03.2020 - 11.03.2024 (Second term)  (First appointed 20.04.2016).

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2023).

Attendance 2022 - 23: 46% (6 of 14 meetings)

The Governing Body would like to thank Anna for all the work and support she has given during her time as a governor.  Anna served as vice chair of governors and was a member of the Finance & Resources Committee being chair of that committee for a number of years.  Anna was also link governor for several areas: Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity, Physical Learning Environment and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).  Anna's extensive knowledge and particular ability to work strategically will be very much missed.  


Sarah Fenwick-Stubbs (Foundation Governor, appointed by PCC)

Term: 21.07.2022 - 13.03.2024 (resigned) (First appointed 21.03.2022 as Associate Member)

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (Sept 2023).

Attendance 2022 - 23: 82% (9 of 11 meetings).

During her time as a governor Sarah was a member of the TLC Committee, Link Governor for English, Phonics and SIAMS and served as joint Vice Chair of Governors.  The governors were grateful to Sarah for her time and contributions as well as her experiences of working in education that she was able to bring to her governor role.  


Kath Burns, Headteacher

Membership: Ex-Officio

Committees: Member of TLC Committee and Finance & Resources Committee.

Relevant & Pecuniary Interests: None (22.09.2022)

Attendance 2023 - 24 Academic Year: N/A.
