Vision & Christian Distinctiveness
What makes our Christian school distinctive?
'And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church'
Matthew 16.18
Built on the rock of Christian faith, we work as a community to create an environment which enables all to flourish. Jesus welcomed all and we embrace diversity, celebrating our different gifts and successes. Like St Peter, we are motivated by our values, learn from our mistakes and strive for the best outcome for everyone.
St. Peter was a close friend and follower of Jesus. He was called Simon but Jesus changed his name to Peter, meaning rock. Jesus asked Peter to follow in his steps and spread the good news. Jesus encourages us all to learn from our mistakes and to put our trust in him, as Peter did when he stepped out of the boat and onto water.
Standing proudly side by side with our parish church St Peter’s in Woolhampton, we have been inspired by the many stories of the disciple. It is our responsibility to provide the firm foundations we need for life, the 'rock' of the Christian faith, a safe and secure place where we all flourish.
Our school has a distinctly welcoming and friendly Christian culture with high aspirations for every child characterised by our close links with parents and the local community. We are proud of our enthusiastic and dedicated staff team that is outward-facing, forward-thinking, open to change and, above all, passionate about learning.
We aspire to meet the academic, physical and spiritual needs of all learners through a curriculum that inspires children to be naturally curious about God’s creation. We offer a diverse range of opportunities in a stimulating learning environment where the physical surroundings are as inspirational and creative as the curriculum itself.
Our school is a place where all can flourish, regardless of background or ability because, like St. Peter, everyone should be given opportunities and we will empower children to take responsibility within their communities and become courageous advocates for change.
By the time a child leaves Woolhampton CE Primary School they will have had the opportunity to become a valued member of a Christian family where they are loved and cared for. Everyone will have experienced a rich, varied and exciting curriculum, gaining the knowledge and skills to be resilient and thrive.
We will celebrate success and everyone will know what it feels like to achieve and be the best they can be.
SIAMS Inspection
During our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection in October 2016 the inspector commented on the effect of the distinctive Christian character of the school:
“Pupils feel nurtured and encouraged and this helps them to make good, and often outstanding, progress, and to reach or exceed the levels expected of them for their age. Pupils say that everyone is included and valued whether or not they have a Christian faith.”
“They show very good attitudes to learning and great respect for one another because they understand how to live out the Christian values of love, compassion and forgiveness."