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Volunteering at Woolhampton


We actively welcome volunteers at our School as we know they bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of our children.


Our volunteers include


  • Members of the Governing body
  • Parents of pupils
  • Ex-pupils
  • Students on work experience


The types of activities that volunteers are engaged include


  • Hearing children read
  • Accompanying school visits
  • Sharing their skills/knowledge by talking to the class


If you would like to become a volunteer, either for a one off event or on a more regular basis, e.g. hearing children read, please contact your Class Teacher or Mrs Burns.


Safeguarding our children is a priority and visitors and volunteers must follow our clear procedures. We also make sure that any volunteer or visitor to school – which includes the staff who run our after school clubs – visits the School office to sign in and read the school information sheet on safeguarding. Volunteers and visitors are not be left unsupervised with any children at any time unless they are regular volunteers who have completed a DBS check.


Below is some of the documentation a volunteer would be expected to read and complete to ensure they comply with our safeguarding policy.
