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PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

Our Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) curriculum was updated in 2019 in accordance with the latest DfE guidelines.  We follow the PSHE Association's programme of study which we have adapted to suit the needs of our school.  Our PSHE 'Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement' and our 'PSHE Programme of Study Progression Document' can be downloaded below.


Relationships and Sex (RSE) education forms part of our PSHE curriculum and is taught during the Summer Term.  The programme that we follow has been adapted from the PSHE Association's Programme of Study and it was developed in consultation with teachers, governors and parents.  It is taught in an age appropriate way that reflects the Christian ethos of our school and the needs of the children.  Our RSE policy can be accessed via our Policies Page and the lesson outlines for each class can be downloaded below.


The subject leader for PSHE is Mrs Smith.
