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Uniform Information

School Uniform


We want our children to show that they are proud to be part of Woolhampton C.E Primary School. Wearing the Woolhampton School uniform is an important way of demonstrating this. It unites the children and helps to break down barriers. It also helps parents, by reducing peer pressure to conform to current, and often expensive, fashion trends. We appreciate parental support of our uniform code.

School Uniform Prices 2024/25

School sweatshirts, cardigans, PE kit and book bags are available for purchase via the Scopay/ Tucasi website - individual registration details for this site will be distributed to parents on entry to the School.


All other items of clothing are available from local retailers.


We also offer a second hand uniform shop. For full information, please email



Please ensure that all clothing items are clearly named, and preferably not with a pen that fades.



  • Grey skirt or grey pinafore dress or grey tailored trousers.
  • Red polo shirt.
  • School sweatshirt or cardigan (red with school logo).
  • Black school shoes (no trainers), maximum heel of 1 inch (2.5cm).
  • Long hair should be tied back and secured with a single red or neutral-coloured hair band.
  • Grey or red tights or white or plain grey socks.
  • Red and white gingham dresses or grey shorts may be worn in the summer.
  • For art and craft work children should have an apron or an overall made from an old shirt to protect their uniform during practical lessons.




  • Plain red round neck t-shirt.
  • Trainers or plimsolls.
  • Swimming costumes (not long shorts).
  • Black tracksuits for cold weather.
  • Plain black sports shorts.
  • White or grey socks.
  • Swimming caps to be worn with long hair.
  • Games bag.




Jewellery should not be worn. Children with pierced ears may wear only plain studs, which they must remove for PE and swimming. Please note staff are not allowed to remove or reinsert earrings.
