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Cultural Capital

At Woolhampton, we believe that cultural capital is a key part of a child’s education.  Cultural capital is the essential knowledge, skills and behaviours that children need to learn in order to thrive in a culturally, socially and ethnically diverse, modern Britain.  We believe that all children should have equal opportunities that will prepare them for a successful future.  We value the children’s own experiences and cultural heritage and aim to build upon and broaden this.  Cultural Capital is woven throughout all that we do; it is not something that we teach in isolation.  During their time with us, the children develop their understanding of the modern world and its richly diverse history, through a broad and balanced curriculum.  As part of this curriculum, the children learn to appreciate the contribution made to society by people from all walks of life, including those from minority backgrounds.  Knowledge gained through the curriculum will be put into context through the provision of a diverse range of experiences and opportunities that extend beyond those that the children are exposed to in their everyday lives.  Through these experiences, the children will learn essential life skills that will prepare them to succeed as they progress onto the next stages of their lives.   


Cultural Capital for All

PPG funding is used to enhance our cultural capital offer and to ensure that access to cultural capital is available equally to all children.  We fund a variety of extra-curricular trips and activities including workshops, education visits, music lessons and clubs.  We also ensure that our curriculum and extra-curricular activities are accessible to children with special educational needs and disabilities, making adjustments and providing additional provision where necessary, to enable everyone to benefit.

What Cultural Capital looks like at Woolhampton

Below are some examples of what we do at Woolhampton as part of our commitment to Cultural Capital:

  • School values (Respect, Optimism, Compassion and Koinonia) which focus on respect and compassion for everyone.
  • Daily Collective Worship where we come together as a whole school to reflect on key issues.
  • Active involvement with St. Peter’s Church – holding services in the church, messy play at lunchtime, weekly clergy led collective worship, choir singing at key events and children participating in services.
  • Learning about other religions – visits to places of worship, visiting speakers.
  • Broad and balanced curriculum including significant figures from a range of backgrounds and coverage of other cultures.  PSHE lessons which teach about prejudice, stereotypes and British Values.
  • School library containing books chosen with diversity in mind.
  • School Voice which encourages children to take responsibility and realise that their voice is important.
  • Educational visits to enhance the curriculum and help the children to contextual their learning. 
    • Y6 visit to London by train to explore the capital and visit Parliament.
    • Y2/3 visit to the beach.
    • YF/1 visit to a local farm.
  • In school workshops / events / guest speakers
    • Music workshops and lessons
    • Science workshops
    • Author workshops
    • Poetry reading challenges
  • Residential trips in Years 4/5/6 to development essential life skills and promote independence.
  • Forest school for all year groups.
  • Extra-curricular clubs.
  • Participation in a wide variety of sporting competitions that encourage everyone to give something a go.
  • Learning essential first aid skills.
  • Swimming lessons (KS1 and KS2) and outside guest to talk about water safety.
  • Theatre trips
  • Musical performances and productions
  • Child-led fundraising initiatives (raising money for WWF, Salvation Army, Turkey/Syria Earthquake appeal)
  • Taking part in Macmillan Coffee Morning, Comic relief, Children in Need, Sports relief etc
  • Links to children in other contrasting countries - Silverleaf Academy in Tanzania, Cricket without Boundaries (Africa)
  • Singing at the OAPs Christmas lunch
  • Careers – guest to introduce children to their career e.g. nursing, visit to fire station

Cultural Capital Calendar
