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Friends of Woolhampton School


The Friends of Woolhampton School (FoWS) is our Parent Teacher Association. FoWS plays a vital role in supporting the school’s goals, whilst raising much needed funds. Our ethos is based on creating communities, enriching education and making memories for every single child during their time at Woolhampton Primary School.


The FoWS is currently chaired by Laura Dean, and is supported by Kelly Mitchell as Secretary, Jenette Prosser as Vice-Chair and Jennie Woodbridge as Treasurer.


Throughout each academic year we hold a wide variety of events and fund raising initiatives. This ranges from the much loved traditional Christmas Fayre and school discos, to treasure hunts and second hand uniform sales.


All the money raised is reinvested back into the school. Some examples of projects and items we have funded to date include:


  • Purchasing equipment to support Forest School and outdoor learning
  • Creating a brand new non-fiction library and the purchase of books
  • Refurbishment of the school sand pit
  • Playground equipment
  • Pantomime trip for the entire school
  • And much more!


If you would like to know more or get involved, please do come to one of our regular meetings. We welcome all new members, and are immensely grateful for all levels of support no matter how small.


To get involved with the FoWS please contact Laura Dean either in the playground or via the School Office.  