Committees Information and Terms of Reference
Committees have delegated powers from the Governing Body and adhere to their own Terms of Reference to fulfill this and report back to Full Governing Body meetings.
Finance and Resources Committee
In line with a set annual timetable to conform with the requirements of the LA (Local Authority) and other government bodies, the committee will review and agree the annual budgets for all sources of school income and all school expenditure relating to all activities undertaken by the school for recommendation to the Governing Body for approval. When reviewing the budget the committee shall consider the aims and objectives of the school and the School Development Plan and ensure that the budget supports and reflects these as far as possible.
The committee reviews reports from the Finance Officer and Headteacher on income and expenditure and commitments outstanding for all the schools activities during the financial year. The committee monitors and reviews the processes and procedures by which the school achieves best value in its use of funding.
The committee oversees building projects and building maintenance work as well as issues relating to Health & Safety and the Critical Incident Plan. The committee also reviews the Admissions Policy annually in line with relevant legal requirements.
The Finance & Resources Committee usually meet six times each academic year.
Committee members
- Martin Harding (Chair)
- Nikki Jordan
- Terry Webster
- Carly Madders
- Cynthia James
- Adrian Dean
- Jackie Livermore, Interim Head Teacher
In attendance - Julie Lowther, School Business Manager
Clerk/Governance Professional - Rachael House Gemmell
Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC)
The TLC committee has statutory responsibilities relating to curriculum content, teaching and learning methods, target setting and analysing assessment data. In relation to the monitoring of pupil progress and attainment the committee also considers the needs of specific groups such as Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) children and those with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND). The committee’s responsibilities also relate to the application of Religious education and collective worship within the school as well as pupil welfare, behaviour and safeguarding. Monitoring of curriculum-specific priorities within the School Development Plan is also carried out.
The TLC Committee usually meet 4 times each academic year.
Committee members
- Kate Moir (Chair)
- Nikki Jordan
- Kim Wyrley-Birch
- Rev. Jane Manley
- Kelly Mitchell
- Rebecca Cox
- Jackie Livermore, Interim Head Teacher
Clerk/Governance Professional - Rachael House Gemmell