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Oak Class (Year 6)

Welcome to Oak Class (The Mighty Oaks!)


In Year 6 we are taught by Mrs Cox Monday to Thursday, Mr Thorne on a Friday.



Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 6.  This term is an exciting term for our new Year 6 pupils as they become the senior members of our school and they take on a range of leadership responsibilities.  To see what we will be learning in each of our subjects please download the 'Curriculum Overview' document below.  Our main text in English is Letters From The Lighthouse and this supports our history WWII topic.   


PE & Forest School

Children should have their PE kit, including trainers, in school all week.  

The Golden Mile will take place every Tuesday and Friday mornings - all children must wear trainers for this.

We have Leadership with Mrs Javes on a Monday afternoon and either swimming or PE on a Tuesday.  

We do not have weekly forest school in the Autumn Term, but we will be going to Ferrises Wood for a day (date TBC).



*Regular reading is the most important homework of all!*

Home work will be set every week on Google Classrooms.  Children are expected to complete a maths and an English task every week.  Occasional subject related work may be set to support the curriculum.  In addition, children are expected to read every night and do regular spelling and times-table practice.  Spelling tests will take place on a Tuesday and Times Table tests on a Monday.  Parental support and encouragement with homework is essential.     



We have a well stocked library in Year 6 which the children are encourage to select a quality text from. 



SATs will take place 12th - 15th May 2025.  The timetable is as follows:

  • Monday 12th May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) papers 1 (questions) and 2 (spelling)
  • Tuesday 13th May: English reading paper
  • Wednesday 14th May: mathematics papers 1 (arithmetic) and 2 (reasoning)
  • Thursday 15th May: mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)


Year 6 Extra-Curricular Events (see the school calendar for other whole school events)

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon - TBC

WWII visit to Englefield Estate - TBC 

The provisional date for our Year 6 Residential Trip is Tuesday 1st July - Friday 4th July. 



Useful websites to support your child at home
